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Missions & Parish Outreach

The First Congregational of Scarborough ministers personally and financially to the local and world community.

Our congregation is committed to dedicating 10% of its income to agencies and missions outside of our church. We also are dedicated to providing our time and talent to serving others in need.

Our Missions group oversees the distribution of church funds raised by our congregation to organizations that service human and community needs locally, nationally and world wide.

The number of local agencies who have benefited from our members contribution over our 290 years is significant. Recently the following is a small sample of our Church’s support to its community:

  • Red Cross
  • Preble Street Soup Kitchen
  • Habitat for Humanity
  • Seeds of Peace
  • Camp Sunshine
  • Bible Society of Maine – Missions
  • Protestant Hospital Ministries - Mission
  • Family Crisis Center
  • The Smile Train
  • Child Fund International – Sponsor 5 children
  • Heifer International
  • Brackett House
  • Partners for World Health
  • The Giving Tree
  • Simple Gifts

Household Assistance Fund

A fund supplied by Clynk bag donations has been established to help individuals in our church struggling to heat their homes in the winter and pay for other utilities. All requests are confidential between our members and Pastor.

Ride Ministry 

Did you know our church has a "Ride Ministry" to assist members who are unable to drive? You can find a list with the names of volunteers and their phone numbers hanging on the bulletin board down in the vestry. And if you are interested in becoming a volunteer driver for our ministry, you can contact Pastor Gagnon at 883-2342 or Elaine Sederlund, the chairperson of the Ministry of Worship and Spiritual Care, at 883-1195, for more information.


The Food Pantry Ministry is always looking for donations so please consider a weekly or monthly donation. This month's wished for items are small toiletries such as toothpast, soap, deodorant, tissues, etc. Checks are always appreciated too and can be made out to Scarborough Food Panty.

The third Sunday of the month is designated as “Clothing Sunday.”  Recent needs are for men's, women's and children's underwear with men's being the largest need.  If you are able to donate new underwear (for all sizes/ages) the Ministry of Christian Outreach takes them to the Preble Street Resource Center in Portland to give to people in need. There is a basket in the Narthex as you enter the church. Thank you as always for your generous donations!


“For I, the LORD your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you'.”

Our Food Pantry has existed formally since 1992. Due to our strong history of collecting and donating food for those in need in our community this church was designated as an official state food pantry where it could receive food from the federal government’s surplus foods program. A team of volunteers started the First Congregational Church Food Pantry which is still going strong 25 years later!

Our pantry has served thousands of families over the past 25 years and delivered over a million pounds of food to those in need.  These families are always treated by our volunteers with care, respect and a generous spirit. There are no residency requirements and is open every Tuesday and Thursdays from 9:00am until noon and 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month from 4 to 6pm.

During the month of October 2018 we served 130 people with 7 new families coming in for help. We provided 326 individuals with food from our pantry. 


Our church is blessed with an atmosphere and pastor who believe that a church family takes care of one another.

Rev. Fred Gagnon, a United Church of Christ pastor,  spends many of his days visiting our house-bound or ill members of our church community. He has a gift of compassion and hope that brightens up those who meet with him. Rev. Gagnon has been a pastor for over 30 years, grew up in Portland, and spent much of his life in the State. He has been a pastor at FCC for over 10 years. He lives in Scarborough with his wife Penny, and they have a daughter, Alisha.

Our Spiritual Care Committee sends cards of support to these individuals also, ensuring that they are in our prayers and not alone.


161 Black Point Road
Scarborough, ME 04074
Phone: (207) 883-2342
Click for a MAP.

About Us:

We are a vibrant, traditional congregation that has a rich history of service and fellowship. We are a community of the United Church of Christ, believing God is guiding us. We hold to the Bible and believe in Jesus.

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